Super Admin
Join my crew on 9/5/18 http://gommehfreedom.boards.net/thread/46/moons-crew :)
Posts: 58
Current IGN: Aarooncia
Discord: Aarooncia#5963
Post by Aarooncia on Aug 29, 2018 17:24:49 GMT
Hey there, I'm Aarooncia and I am a GommehFreedom Super Admin, promoted August 26th, 2018, SPaSed by IrishButBritish (_PHR). This is my admin crew, for aspiring admins. I have named this The Moons Crew. If you want to apply, and you're a Super Admin, Telnet Admin, Senior Admin, Executive, or Developer please fill out the Admin Template. If you're an OP, please fill out the OP Template. Warning: Unable to train until September 5th, please ask for training until then.
OP Template --In-game Username: Discord Username, e.g Aaroonci#5963 Have you ever been permbanned for temporarily banned, if so please expain Why and how you will behave in the future. Have you ever been an admin on GommehFreedom before, if so what rank were you and why were you removed? Why do you want to join this Admin Crew? How active are you on a daily basis? Admin Template --In-game Username Discord Username, e.g Aarooncia#5963 What rank are you? (Super Admin, Telnet Admin, Senior Admin, Executive, Developer) Have you ever been removed/suspended? If so please explain why and how you will behave OPs --RiwataBr - (Demoted from Chief Forum Moderator September 2018) Admins --Tags --/tag set &8[&9M&1C&8] /tag set &8[&9Moons&1Crew&8] Discord --Forum --gfmoonscrew.boards.net
Assistant Security Officer + Chief Creative Deisgner
Posts: 44
Post by square on Aug 29, 2018 17:29:00 GMT
Moved to admin crews.
This crew is not allowed to train OPs until the 5th of September, as the owner of the crew has not surpassed the 10 day minimum of being admin. Although this crew should not usually be able to operate, I will keep it here.
Super Admin
Join my crew on 9/5/18 http://gommehfreedom.boards.net/thread/46/moons-crew :)
Posts: 58
Current IGN: Aarooncia
Discord: Aarooncia#5963
Post by Aarooncia on Aug 29, 2018 17:31:30 GMT
Moved to admin crews. This crew is not allowed to train OPs until the 5th of August, as the owner of the crew has not surpassed the 10 day minimum of being admin. Although this crew should not be able to operational, I will keep it here. Okay, thank you! But it's way passed the 5th of August?
Assistant Security Officer + Chief Creative Deisgner
Posts: 44
Post by square on Aug 29, 2018 17:31:52 GMT
Moved to admin crews. This crew is not allowed to train OPs until the 5th of August, as the owner of the crew has not surpassed the 10 day minimum of being admin. Although this crew should not be able to operational, I will keep it here. Okay, thank you! But it's way passed the 5th of August? Sorry, I meant the 5th of September.
Super Admin
Join my crew on 9/5/18 http://gommehfreedom.boards.net/thread/46/moons-crew :)
Posts: 58
Current IGN: Aarooncia
Discord: Aarooncia#5963
Post by Aarooncia on Aug 29, 2018 17:33:07 GMT
Okay, thank you! But it's way passed the 5th of August? Sorry, I meant the 5th of September. Ah. Thank you for the clarification. Thank you for everything you do! You do your job very well, and professional!
Head Admin
Posts: 18
Current IGN: RageHayes
Old IGNs: rhymix, is, gay
Post by RageHayes on Aug 29, 2018 23:27:01 GMT
In-game Username RageHayes Discord Username, e.g Aarooncia#5963 slendermanpowerman#3950 What rank are you? (Super Admin, Telnet Admin, Senior Admin, Executive, Developer) Exec, Head admin Have you ever been removed/suspended? If so please explain why and how you will behave No. Note: Wanted to join a crew that isn't my own
Super Admin
Join my crew on 9/5/18 http://gommehfreedom.boards.net/thread/46/moons-crew :)
Posts: 58
Current IGN: Aarooncia
Discord: Aarooncia#5963
Post by Aarooncia on Aug 30, 2018 14:17:59 GMT
In-game Username RageHayes Discord Username, e.g Aarooncia#5963 slendermanpowerman#3950 What rank are you? (Super Admin, Telnet Admin, Senior Admin, Executive, Developer) Exec, Head admin Have you ever been removed/suspended? If so please explain why and how you will behave No. Note: Wanted to join a crew that isn't my own Accepted! You will be able to train players on the 5th of September!
Post by RiwataBr on Aug 30, 2018 21:03:56 GMT
In-game Username RiwataBr Discord Username, e.g Aarooncia#5963 KillerRetrospect96#3196 What rank are you? (Super Admin, Telnet Admin, Senior Admin, Executive, Developer) Executive Have you ever been removed/suspended? If so please explain why and how you will behave Once, because I got targeted because of what happened on SF. Note: Executive is higher than developer, note for Aaron.
Super Admin
Join my crew on 9/5/18 http://gommehfreedom.boards.net/thread/46/moons-crew :)
Posts: 58
Current IGN: Aarooncia
Discord: Aarooncia#5963
Post by Aarooncia on Aug 31, 2018 12:51:50 GMT
In-game Username RiwataBr Discord Username, e.g Aarooncia#5963 KillerRetrospect96#3196 What rank are you? (Super Admin, Telnet Admin, Senior Admin, Executive, Developer) Executive Have you ever been removed/suspended? If so please explain why and how you will behave Once, because I got targeted because of what happened on SF. Note: Executive is higher than developer, note for Aaron. Accepted! You'll be able to train players on the 5th of September, Discord Server is in the works
Super Admin
Join my crew on 9/5/18 http://gommehfreedom.boards.net/thread/46/moons-crew :)
Posts: 58
Current IGN: Aarooncia
Discord: Aarooncia#5963
Post by Aarooncia on Sept 7, 2018 12:44:40 GMT
+ - RiwataBr - OP
Super Admin
Join my crew on 9/5/18 http://gommehfreedom.boards.net/thread/46/moons-crew :)
Posts: 58
Current IGN: Aarooncia
Discord: Aarooncia#5963
Post by Aarooncia on Sept 13, 2018 17:54:21 GMT
+ - Added a New Forums! Check it out here - gfmoonscrew.boards.net